Euneria is a collection of flash fantasy stories woven together with a singular theme and shared characters.
Meet Pips, the brave warrior goblin and his beloved guardian mount, Kerthaan.
Travel with Gibbers, a kobold on a mission to become the first member of his tribe to own a dragon.
Follow the story of GlobKnot, the Ettin, who wage war not only on everything around them, but with each other.
Become enchanted with Miu, the tiny dragon who loves shiny baubles and a little girl called Emeline.
Trace the steps of Baern Mountainfist, a dwarf tasked with leading the highborn high elf, Nuloun, and his half-elf companion, Cael, across the treacherous mountains.
Watch as their lives unfold before you and they share the world of Euneria, a world filled with laughter, beauty and danger.
Sounds like an inviting and enchanting place to hang out for a bit. Looking forward to reading more.