Thursday, December 29, 2011

Free! For one day only!

What is free, Glob?

I do not know, Knot. Charles said to shout Free! For one day only! So, I did.

Free nuts? Maybe it is free nuts to attract the squirrels away from ours.

Knot, the squirrels do not want our nuts.

Maybe he has set ALL the squirrels free! Hide, Glob! They are coming! I can hear the pitter patter of little squirrel feets heading this way!

That is not squirrels, Knot. That is our heartbeat. You have got us all scared and anxious. Calm down. Charles says to say that "Euneria - The Tales of Gibbers, Pips and Miu" is free for one day only at Click on that link.

What does click mean, Glob?

I do not know. Hey, why are we not in this book? Charles has left us out!

Maybe the squirrels ate us. Glob! The squirrels ate us!

I thought they only wanted our nuts, Knot.

Yes, well ... they are vicious critters. They will eat anything attached to nuts. I have been eaten!

You are not eaten, Knot.

Are you sure?

Yes, I am sure. The squirrels did not eat you, Knot ... or our nuts.

Ok. GO GET THE BOOK, PEOPLE! Hurry. Before the squirrels eat it.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Between a Rock and an Ettin

Hello, my name is Glob.

And I am Knot.

Not what?

Nothing. I was just telling them who I am.

Oh, you are Knot.

I am not what?

Shut up and sit down, Knot.


Knot, I do not want to sit.

Glob, if I sit, you have to sit with me else we will split in half.

Yeah, that would hurt.

Like when I lighted your hair on fire?

Do not talk about that or I will get angry.

Charles says to hurry up and tell them about the new chapter that is written about us.

Ok. If you do not know, Knot and I are an ettin and our name is GlobKnot. Charles has written about us in his book, Euneria.

Yeah, and now there is a new chapter about us.

But mostly it is about the dwarf and two elves. I hope we get to eat them.

That dwarf is stinky.

Like you.

No, like you.

No, you.


Yes. Charles says to say goodbye. Say goodbye, stinky.

I am not stinky. You are. Goodbye, people who are reading this.

I am not the stinky one. Goodbye, people.

Yes, you stink.

Do not.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

New Chapter - The Ambassador

Hello, my name is Pips, and I am a goblin. Waving!

I am here to tell you all about Euneria, because if Charlie stops to tell you, he won't have time to write about us. And if he can't write about me, I can't eats. I love to eats.

Everything is tasties to me. Eggs is tasties. Numbleweed is tasties. Oh, what is numbleweed, you ask? If you didn't ask, you should, else you will not know what is numbleweed and go around scratching heads until you figure it out. You might scratch someone's head who doesn't want it scratched, thereby losing a hand.

Wait. I was talking about numbelweed, wasn't I? Sometimes, I forget what I am doing. Back to numbleweed.

Did you ever taste weeds? Well, numbleweed does not taste like weeds, so do not worry. It is very tasties and makes you feel good in your socks, if you wear socks. I don't wear socks, but it makes me feel good all the way to where I would wear socks if I wore them. It's like something humans eat called cocoa beans. I have had cocoa beans, but numbleweed is better. Hard to find, though. It grows everywhere, but not much, and so it is hard to get.

So, now you know about that. What else?

Charlie says leave some for later. Some what, Charlie? Oh. He says leave you hanging for more. He does not make any sense to me.

I will say goodbye before Charlie gets mad. He's just like Gibbers when he gets mad, but does not bark like Gibbers. Gibbers spittles at you, though. Charlie does not.

Charlie says shut up now. Not you. Me.

Goodbye. :-)

Monday, July 11, 2011

New Chapter!

Hello to all stupid humans. I am Gibbers. I am kobold. That big slow human, Chuckie, wrote about me in the book he calls Euneria. Why do humans name things that do not move? That is like naming a tree Herman. Never mind.

He said to tell the rest of you big slow humans, "I have uploaded a new chapter."

What is "chapter?" I do not know. "Upload" is eat, I think. He has just eaten something and wants to tell everyone about it. Stupid human. Why does anyone want to know when he has eaten? Do they also want to know when he has "downloaded" what he ate? I do not want to know that.

So, goodbye, stupid humans. That is all. Unless anyone can tell me where to find a dragon?


Sunday, July 10, 2011

Welcome to Euneria!

Euneria is a collection of flash fantasy stories woven together with a singular theme and shared characters.

Meet Pips, the brave warrior goblin and his beloved guardian mount, Kerthaan.

Travel with Gibbers, a kobold on a mission to become the first member of his tribe to own a dragon.

Follow the story of GlobKnot, the Ettin, who wage war not only on everything around them, but with each other.

Become enchanted with Miu, the tiny dragon who loves shiny baubles and a little girl called Emeline.

Trace the steps of Baern Mountainfist, a dwarf tasked with leading the highborn high elf, Nuloun, and his half-elf companion, Cael, across the treacherous mountains.

Watch as their lives unfold before you and they share the world of Euneria, a world filled with laughter, beauty and danger.